About Us

Setec Consulting Group is one of the biggest consulting, training and auditing companies in Latin America. Founded in 1994, we have offices in São Paulo and Buenos Aires (Argentina).


We have already served more than 3,000 clients, trained more than 300,000 professionals, guided more than 650 companies towards certification in Quality, Environment and Safety Management Systems and contributed to improving management and reducing cost at client companies and their suppliers in more than 20 countries all around the world. We are certified according ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018.

During this period, the most advanced process optimization practices have guaranteed gains of hundreds of millions of dollars for our clients.

Setec provides services to companies from the most different sectors of the economy and of different sizes, being able to develop projects with customized solutions and appropriate to the reality of each organization.

We also developed the exclusive interface consultancy concept, taking management tools and technology of large companies to their suppliers, training the entire supply chain

Consultants competence

Our consultants have solid academic background, both nationally and internationally, and extensive professional experience. The competence of these professionals is one of the most important elements for the success of all the projects developed by the company.

Diversity and Quality of products and services

The products and services diversity allows Setec to meet the different needs of its clients, offering integrated solutions and developing integrated management projects. These projects cover from strategic planning to productive activities, passing through most processes of the company.

Trust and commitment relationship

Throughout these years, the serious and engaged work and the results reached by all projects developed by Setec, put together a relation of trust and commitment with our clients.

This relationship ends up by transforming our clients into faithful partners. It has also strengthened Setec’s image in the market as one of the best world-class consultancy companies.

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We are change agents for our customers and their respective value chains in the quest for success.


To be a large world-class consultancy and training company, renowned and differentiated, characterized as the primary choice of our customers.


– Sustainability
– Relationship
– Innovation
– Knowledge
– Appropriation
– Social Responsability
– Transparency

Environmental, Quality, Occupational Health and Safety Policy

“Our policy is to improve continuously in order to achieve success and fidelity of our internal and external clients, performing activities in an environmentally responsible way, preventing pollution, occupational damages and diseases, ensuring the participation and consultation of workers, meeting the legislation and other subscribed requirements”.


“Provision of consultancy, training, auditing, professional qualification and technical translation services in the areas of: Management Systems, Lean, Six Sigma, Productivity, Quality, Innovation, Human Management and Business Management. Development and sales of business games”.